Open Day

We are happy to announce our upcoming Open Day, which will take place on Saturday 24th of February 2024 from 11.00 am to 13.00 pm.

Wether you are parents of young children, expecting a baby or someone interested in working with you children, this could be valuable for you. We welcome you to visit our premises, to hear about our holistic approach and to meet us.

As some of you may know, we are a Community Develop Project that can offer the Government subsided programmes as well as part time and full time care for children from walking age to 6 years old. We work with the principles of Rudolf Steiner and Emmi Pikler.

You are welcome to bring your children. We have an outdoor space where they can play, just remember to bring appropriate gear. For this we recommend two adults present, so one of you can attend the children.

Please confirm your attendance by email at

We look forward to seeing you!

For directions click here (eir code: V94XD37)