Full Time Educator Required

Warm, caring, full time Educator required to support the work at our Centre with children 1 to 5 years old.

Qualifications in Early Childhood Care and Education up to Level 6, are required.

Knowledge / interest in the insights of R. Steiner and E. Pikler into child development will be very valued.

To apply, or for further details please email us at brigitsmantleboard@gmail.com

Open Day

We are happy to announce our upcoming Open Day, which will take place on Saturday 24th of February 2024 from 11.00 am to 13.00 pm.

Wether you are parents of young children, expecting a baby or someone interested in working with you children, this could be valuable for you. We welcome you to visit our premises, to hear about our holistic approach and to meet us.

As some of you may know, we are a Community Develop Project that can offer the Government subsided programmes as well as part time and full time care for children from walking age to 6 years old. We work with the principles of Rudolf Steiner and Emmi Pikler.

You are welcome to bring your children. We have an outdoor space where they can play, just remember to bring appropriate gear. For this we recommend two adults present, so one of you can attend the children.

Please confirm your attendance by email at brigitsmantleboard@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing you!

For directions click here (eir code: V94XD37)

Parent & Baby Gatherings

Babies learn by interacting directly with the world through all their senses.

These gatherings offer a space for babies 3 to 12 months, to move spontaneously in a safe, well planned environment, appropriate for their age.

Sufficient, undisturbed time is required for babies to discover what their body can do and the possibilities for movement. Understanding of their world is gained as they explore more.

For parents/carers is a time to sit back and relax, while learning to observe your chid more closely and trust their innate wisdom. There will also be time for sharing, learn from each other, discuss topics of interest and concern, and look at different aspects of respectful parenting.

Veronica Crombie has worked for many years at Brigit’s Hearth as an Educator, Manager and Mentor. As well as a training in Steiner/Waldorf Education, she holds a master’s in Early Childhood Education from the University of Galway and has studied extensively at the Pikler Institute in Budapest, which focuses on respectful care of infants up to the age of 3.

The introductory evening and all sessions will be announced shortly.

Opportunity to Volunteer

We have a placement for a volunteer to help with our younger children - age one to three in our beautiful and unique setting in the west of Ireland.

This may be of special interest for any students or professionals working with young children or looking for work experience.

You would have the opportunity to work with the insights of R.Steiner and E. Piker in early childhood development. Experience or knowledge in these areas would be very appreciated but not required.

The position is short term (October to December)from 9.15am to 12.15pm, Tuesday to Thursday.

If interested contact us at:


Open Day

We are happy to announce our upcoming Open Day, which will take place on Saturday 25th of February 2023 from 11.00 am to 14.00 pm.

Whether you are parents of young children, expecting a baby or someone interested in working with young children, this could be very valuable for you. We welcome you to visit our premises, to hear about our holistic approach and to meet us.

As some of you may know, we are a Community Developed Project that can offer the Government subsided programmes as well as part time and full time care for children from walking age to 6 years old. We work with the principles of Rudolf Steiner and Emmi Pikler.

You are welcome to bring your children. We have an outdoor space where they can play, just remember to bring appropriate gear. For this we recommend two adults present, so one of you can attend to the children.

Please confirm your attendance by email. We look forward to seeing you!

For directions and contact information click here (eir code: V94XD37)


Open Day

We are happy to announce our upcoming Open Day, which will take place on Saturday the 19th of 2022, from 11.00 am to 13.00 pm.

Whether you are parents of young children, expecting a baby or someone interested in working with young children, this could be very valuable for you. We welcome you to visit our premises, to hear about our holistic approach and to meet us.

As some of you may know, we are a Community Developed Project that can offer the Government subsided programmes as well as part time and full time care for children from walking age to 6 years old. We work with the principles of Rudolf Steiner and Emmi Pikler.

You are welcome to bring your children. We have an outdoor space where they can play, just remember to bring appropriate gear.

Please confirm your attendance by email. We look forward to seeing you!

For directions and contact information click here (eir code: V94XD37)

Open Day

We are happy to announce our upcoming Open Day, which will take place on Saturday 16th of February 2019, from 11.00 am to 2.00 pm.

Whether you are parents of young children, expecting a baby or someone interested in working with young children, this could be a very valuable morning for you. we welcome you to visit our premises, to hear about our holistic approach and to meet us.

As some of you may know, we are a Community Developed Project that can offer the Government subsided programmes as well as part time and full time care for children from walking age to 6 years old. We work with the principles of Rudolf Steiner and Emmi Pikler and we are members of the Irish Kindergarten Association (ISKA).

You are welcome to bring your children. We have an outdoor space where they can play, just remember to bring appropriate gear.

We look forward to seeing you!

For directions and contact information click here 


Connecting with our Neighbours

Part of our vision, when we decided to build our center in Raheen Woods, was to connect with our neighbours from the adjacent Raheen Nursing Home.

We felt there is a connection between these two very vulnerable ages: the young children and the elderly. Years ago the younger children were, in many homes, left to the care of the grandparents. Things have changed for many of these children and elderly people whom, more and more, have been pulled away form each other and placed in care centers.We feel children, need the moral richness that exudes from the elderly as the elderly need to feel the miracle of life that expreses, so purely, in the young children.

Two years ago with the help of LEADER, we started the development of an Intergenerational Garden that is now open to the children and our elderly neighbours. We also received a donation from TOMAR to build a pavilion (Tom & Mary Circle of Life Pavilion), that could serve as shelter and a siting are for everyone and. Once that s was completed by Silvabuild (experienced carpenter on children’s playgrounds), this in September 2021 we avail of the expertise of Caherhurley Nurseries to plant our flower garden.

A garden is an alive organism, an ongoing project but for now we can say we have successfully finished what we started.