Part of our vision, when we decided to build our center in Raheen Woods, was to connect with our neighbours from the adjacent Raheen Nursing Home.
We felt there is a connection between these two very vulnerable ages: the young children and the elderly. Years ago the younger children were, in many homes, left to the care of the grandparents. Things have changed for many of these children and elderly people whom, more and more, have been pulled away form each other and placed in care centers.We feel children, need the moral richness that exudes from the elderly as the elderly need to feel the miracle of life that expreses, so purely, in the young children.
Two years ago with the help of LEADER, we started the development of an Intergenerational Garden that is now open to the children and our elderly neighbours. We also received a donation from TOMAR to build a pavilion (Tom & Mary Circle of Life Pavilion), that could serve as shelter and a siting are for everyone and. Once that s was completed by Silvabuild (experienced carpenter on children’s playgrounds), this in September 2021 we avail of the expertise of Caherhurley Nurseries to plant our flower garden.
A garden is an alive organism, an ongoing project but for now we can say we have successfully finished what we started.