In contrast to the hectic pace of modern life we offer the children the experience of a warm, quiet environment where the presence of their carers is the most required quality.
There is an urgent need for innovative, high quality childcare programmes that focus on infants and young children. Children in childcare while their parents work are in need of a “home away from home”, a place that offers nurturing warmth and care that arises out of a deep understanding of their needs. In a time that has lost aware-ness of the stages of human development, our program is an alternative to the academic achievement approach that has dominated education and care in recent decades, even for the youngest infants and toddlers.
We are a Centre that acknowledges, respects and supports the choices that families make: parents at home with children, returning to work or parents in need of free time and support.
Our daily programme includes on average 2 and half hours of play in the nearby woodland, a wholesome home cooked meal, the experience of domestic life including , gardening and other activities related to housekeeping.